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Conway Primary School


Current Conway Data: 95.4%

Local Authority Figure:

National Authority Figure:

Recording Attendance and Punctuality 

Legally the register must be marked twice daily. This is once at the start of the school day at 8.45am and again for the afternoon session at 1pm.

 It is important that all pupils arrive on time at the beginning of the school day. The school day begins at 8.45am and all students are expected to be in school at this time.

In the morning at 8.50am, class teachers are responsible for morning  AM registration and in the afternoon for the PM registration. It is the responsibility of class teachers to formally register pupils at the beginning of each session. At any time during the school day, staff should only mark pupils as present if they have physically seen them. 

 If a student arrives between 8:50 am and 9.00am the attendance will be registered as L (before register closes, class teachers must also record the number of minutes late). If a student arrives to school after 9.00 am from the office, they will be registered within our  Inventry  system (late after register closes).

Ongoing and repeated lateness is considered as unauthorised absence. The school may request a meeting to tackle persistent lateness. Parents, guardians or carers of students who have patterns of lateness will be contacted to discuss the importance of good time keeping and how this might be achieved.

 If lateness persists, parents, guardians or carers will be invited to attend the school to discuss the problem and offer support. Parents are urged to communicate any known medical appointments in advance and inform us of any exceptional events that might lead to their child arriving after the school am register had closed. If a student is late due to a medical appointment, he/she will receive an authorised absence coded ‘M’, with provided evidence for appointments. Parents/Carers are asked where possible, to arrange doctors’ and dentists’ appointments outside of school.

 School Absence Procedures First Day Absence

A child not attending school is considered a safeguarding matter. This is why information about the cause of any absence is always required. Our intention is not to interrogate parents and carers, but they should be aware that this information will be requested until suitable information is provided. If a pupil is absent, parents and carers must: contact the school on the morning of the first day of absence by 8am. Information received via phone/email is used to update the registers to ensure we have a clear picture of known absences.

In the case of illness and other absences, Parents/Carers are asked to call on the morning of each day of absence, unless they have provided medical note/evidence which states the number of days which the pupil will need for recovery. If a pupil is absent and we have not been notified by parents or carers, then we will:

First Day of Absence: N code the register - illustrating that a pupil is absent with no reason provided.  The Attendance officer or member of the business team will 

  • Send a 'Schoolcomms' communication message via text and email, informing you that your child is not present in school according to the registers.
  •  Follow up with a telephone call and further text to parents/carers; this is because we have a duty to ensure a pupil’s safety as well as their regular school attendance.
  •  Continue to contact parents/carers so that the absence is explained, and the N code can be replaced with a suitable code.

School Absence Procedures After First Day - 

Third Day Absence : If your child is not seen and contact has not been established with you or any of the named parent/carers after three days of absence the school will start a Child Missing in Education enquiries, and we will contact emergency contacts, known friends and wider family to see if they are able to help us locate you and explain the ongoing absence, and lack of communication.

Fifth Day Absence: If contact has not been established, then as a school, we may carry out a home visit and welfare check. This will involve two staff members, which may include a member of the attendance team, the schools Designated Safegarding Lead or the School Business Manager 

Tenth Day Absence: Child Missing in Education referral will be completed and sent. The school has a legal duty to report the absence of any student who is absent without an explanation for 10 consecutive days. CME referral If the child has not been seen and/or contact has not been established with the named parent/carer then the Local Authority is notified that the child is ‘at risk of missing’ his/her education. Children’s Services Staff will visit the last known address and alert key services to locate the child. Parents/carers have a responsibility to ensure their contact details are up to date.

Twentieth Day Absence: If a pupil has been absent from school for 20 consecutive days and this absence is unauthorised by school, the pupil may be removed from the school roll. Parents/Carers wishing to readmit their child would be required to do so through the Local Authority school admissions process.