Our Ethos and Vision
Our Ethos
At Conway we believe that children succeed best when they are secure, confident and interested in what they are doing.
We aim to ensure that the values of the school reflect children's backgrounds, cultures and the wider society in which we live. The principles of Equality and Diversity are central to our work and we ensure that every child is able to develop his or her abilities and talents to the full. The aims of the school are to:
- Promote each child's full academic, personal and social development.
- Create a happy, stimulating environment where children feel valued and learn respect for themselves and other people.
- Provide a broad and balanced curriculum relevant to the needs of the children in the school.
- Help each child develop a lively and enquiring mind.
- Foster motivation and the ability to concentrate and persevere.
- Help develop the ability to identify and solve problems independently and to apply their knowledge and skills.
- Help each child learn to make decisions within an accepted moral code.
- Develop the ability to work in co-operation with others.
- Develop an awareness of our responsibilities as citizens of the world.
Aims and Vision
Conway Primary School recognises the potential for every individual to achieve excellence. Our vision for the future is to be a stimulating, safe and respectful learning environment, where all members of our community work in partnership to achieve the best for every child.
We want our children to leave us as happy, confident, individual learners, who have acquired positive attitudes and values, enabling them to contribute to the world in which they live.
We aim to:
- Raise each child’s level of achievement by providing a high quality education based on the Early year’s Foundation Stage and National Curriculum
- Provide a positive, enjoyable and stimulating environment in which a broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum will help each child develop to achieve their full potential
- Encourage children to work co-operatively and respect each other’s values, beliefs and cultures, to prepare them for their next stage of education and future lives: and
- Work in partnership with pupils, parents and carers, governors, staff, outside agencies and the wider community, to ensure equality of opportunity for all pupils and staff