PE Update: Teamwork Awards
A big well done to Igdaliah in 6S and Calvin in 2D who were awarded certificates for their teamwork skills in PE and sport at the end of term celebration assembly.
Each half term, the KS2 Sports Ambassadors choose one of the School Games “Spirit of the Games” values (honesty, respect, teamwork, passion, determination and self-belief) as a whole school focus for PE lessons, sports clubs and games at lunchtime. The value chosen for Autumn 2 was Teamwork so Sports Ambassadors and members of staff were looking out for children displaying excellent teamwork skills.
The Sports Ambassadors chose Igdaliah because of his fantastic communication skills with team members while Calvin was chosen because he “always looks out for other members of his team and helps them”.
A new School Games value for Spring 1 will be chosen by the Sports Ambassadors in January.