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Conway Primary School


Click here to view our Geography Curriculum Overview

Click here to view our Progression of Skills Overview

Geography provokes and answers questions about the natural and human world, using different scales of enquiry to help pupils do this. It develops knowledge of places and environments throughout the world, an understanding of maps, atlases and a range of investigative and problem-solving skills, both inside and outside the classroom.

At Conway Primary school our school-wide approach to Geography starts with the child. Each year the children will explore the features of their immediate and local area before studying the UK as a whole and then further afield. Children are encouraged to use different types of physical and digital maps to explore the world, use the correct map symbols and, in KS2, begin to use 4-figure and 6-figure grid references to identify specific areas.

As Geographers, we look at both the human and physical features of our world. We identify how population determines land use, think about how transport links are used and compare different types of human structures including housing, leisure centres and retail. In the physical world we learn about key rivers and oceans, children explore topographical features such as mountains and valleys and discover what causes natural events such as volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.

Children are encouraged to compare where they live with other places around the world thinking about the similarities and differences in climate, tourism, cuisine, language and size.