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Conway Primary School

The School Day

Foundation Stage:

Morning Nursery children arrive at 8.45.

Morning Nursery children are collected at 11.45.

Afternoon Nursery children arrive at 12.15.

Afternoon Nursery children are collected at 3.15.

All Nursery children to arrive and be collected through the Nursery entrance located on Bebbington Road.

Reception children line up in the playground outside their classroom at 8.45, ready for the bell to ring at 8.50.


Key Stage One:

Years 1 and 2 line up in the playground at their class’s area at 8.45, ready to go up to class with their teachers at 8.50.

The children do the Daily Mile and have at snack at 9:45.

Lunch time for Key Stage 1 is 11.45 to 12.30.

Key Stage 1 has an afternoon playtime at 1.45 to 2:00.

At 3.15, children in Key Stage 1 will be collected from the same place in the playground.


Key Stage Two:

Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 line up in the playground at their class’s area at 8.45 ready to go up to class with their teachers at 8:50.

Lunch time for is 12.00-1:00.

At 3.15, the children will be collected from the same place on the playground.

If your child needs to collect any item which they may have forgotten, such as their coat or lunch box etc., they may re-enter the building through door one. Door one is located to the far-right of the playground when entering though the main gate. 

Please note: members of staff stand on each door to ensure the safety and whereabouts of the children. Therefore, they will not allow anyone to re-enter the building unless they are with a member of staff. Please use door one to collect forgotten items or the main reception entrance to access the office.

All class areas will be marked on the playground during the first week of the new school year. If you join part way through the year we will inform you where to go on your child’s first day of school.


Playground Code

During the autumn term, we have worked hard to develop behaviour and support at playtimes, and this started with the development of a playground code. It was established by all parties, children and teachers, that everyone should have FUN and feel safe at playtimes!

Our playground code, which is displayed in the playground, states:

We agree that we will –

  • Be kind and polite to all, look after lonely children.
  • Listen to adults and their instructions.
  • Play well (fairly, friendly, co-operatively) and safely together.
  • Take care of the playground equipment.
  • Stop playing when the whistle blows, and line up sensibly.

In addition, our School Councillors have been working on developing playground activities that they can take a lead on.