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Conway Primary School

Pupil Premium

What is Pupil Premium?

The Pupil Premium is additional funding given to schools so that they can support and close the attainment gap between disadvantaged pupils and their peers.

The grant is allocated to schools on the basis of numbers of pupils who have received free school meals (FSM) or been in the care of the Local Authority (LAC) at any time in the last six years, and children of families in the Armed Forces. Children need to be between the ages of 4 and 16 to meet the criteria.


Financial Year Amount received Actual amount spent on pupil premium children
2022/2023 £146,300 £284,700
2021/2022 £142,360 £239,000
2020/2021 £157,005 £188,000
2019/2020 £191,382 £245,878
2018/2019 £191,382 £245,878


The PPG is not ‘ring-fenced’ and schools are free to spend it as they wish but need to demonstrate that the expenditure is contributing to closing performance gaps between children who experience social disadvantage and others. The grant is intended to benefit children who are currently in school.


How is it spent?

In addition to pupils eligible for FSM, the Governors at Conway Primary School have agreed that PPG should be spent on pupil premium children and all vulnerable and/or disadvantaged pupils in school.

Expenditure for 2022-2023 for these pupils has included amounts allocated towards:

  • Intervention groups to develop phonics
  • Intervention groups to develop mathematics
  • Intervention groups to develop reading
  • Intervention groups to develop writing
  • Funding targeted booster (intervention groups) sessions in Year 2, Year 5 and Year 6 (focusing on English and Maths)

    See the attached document below for more information